4 Common Kitchen Design Mistakes That Can Be Avoided Easily

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Kitchen Design Mistakes

When furnishing your home, the kitchen always gets some special attention. After all, this is the room that you’ll spend a lot of time in, where you’ll make meals for you and your family and where you’ll want to be as efficient as possible for the best and most delicious results. However, it’s not uncommon that a lapse in judgement or a simple oversight ends up in Kitchen design mistakes that will make it more difficult and impractical to prepare food or do anything else. If you want to prevent this from happening to you, take a look at these frequent mistakes people make when fixing up their kitchen and ways to dodge them.

Making Resale Value a Priority

Making Resale Value a Priority

Many times, people try to find the ideal balance between adjusting the kitchen to their own needs and making it one of the key features that will boost the resale value of their home if they decide to sell it somewhere down the road. The problem arises when they allow the resale value to trump their personal style and preferences, often unintentionally. While this may turn out to be a good idea eventually, don’t forget that you have to use your kitchen in the meantime and that focusing on what other people might like can mean that you have to spend years to come in a kitchen that you dislike and perhaps even can’t use to the fullest. To avoid this scenario, choose kitchen furniture and appliances in textures and colors that you find appealing and a layout that works for you. That way, you’ll get the kitchen of your dreams. Once you want to sell your home, there’s a high chance that you’ll get prospect buyers who’ll share your vision and see the beauty of what you’ve done to your kitchen and your home in general.

Choosing the Wrong Appliances

Choosing the Wrong Appliances

These days, there is a plethora of amazing kitchen appliances, many of which is smart and eco-friendly. Plus, you can choose from a whole range of colors, sizes and even styles. With this many alternatives, it’s easy to go all out, getting the best and the biggest ones, when you actually don’t need them and maybe even can’t fit them into your kitchen space. It’s crucial that you measure everything and make a plan well ahead of your kitchen remodel, as that way you’ll know precisely what you need before you go shopping. Another problem is that people want to purchase the appliances they know they’ll need, but aren’t sure if they’ll find the space for these appliances in the kitchen. This is why you should consider some portable ones, that you can move from one spot to another inside your kitchen, or even take outside, if you have a designated outdoor kitchen area. One excellent example is atop-quality compact gas burner that you can use in your kitchen, or take it outside, due to it being lightweight. These are an excellent option for families that need additional cooking capacity once in a while, since you can tuck your gas burner away until there’s a need to use it. Such appliances are convenient and durable, which makes them a phenomenal addition to any kitchen. Kitchen design mistakes

Ignoring the Vertical Space

Ignoring the Vertical Space

If your kitchen is large and you can have enough regular-size cabinets to accommodate all your dishes, gadgets and other kitchen items, you’re lucky. However, this isn’t normally the case. The worst thing you can do in a small kitchen is not to make the best of the vertical wall space. Ordering kitchen cabinets that go all the way up to your ceiling can solve most or even all of your storage problems. If you’re worried about not being able to reach the top shelves of your cabinets, you can always get a step ladder or, even better, a step stool which can double as an extra chair. On the other hand, if you’re simply not keen on that many closed-door cabinets in your kitchen and think they’ll close off the space or make it monotonous, you can introduce some open shelving to the mix and make it more interesting and more personalized.

Putting Aesthetics Above Functionality

Putting Aesthetics Above Functionality

In an effort make their kitchen inviting and a focal point of their home, homeowners frequently diminish its functionality. For instance, although picking the light fixtures to match the style of the kitchen is important, it’s definitely not as important as how well they do their job or where you place them. In other words, gorgeous pendants will make you happy until it’s time to actually start prepping your meals in the dark, because they don’t shed enough light on the room. Similarly, if you don’t install some lights above your counters, you’ll end up cooking and chopping vegetables and a whole bunch of other things in your own shadow. In addition, some people go for the stylish cabinets, which can look amazing, but can be completely useless in some cases. Having stunning cabinets that your plates or bigger pots can’t fit into can become an issue. Furthermore, opting for glass-door cabinets can seem like a wonderful idea until you realize you lack space, your cabinets are overcrowded and they don’t seem alluring at all. Basically, what you need to do is prioritize functionality over the appearance of your kitchen and find the harmony between the two.

A new kitchen can be a blessing if you put enough time and thought into adapting it to your and your family’s specific needs. If you do this the right way, you’ll end up with a kitchen that you’ll love spending time in, so that preparing meals for those you love most is a joyful event, day after day.